Day 23: 13th May, 2013
13.05.2019 14 °C
Last night we arrived late into Berlin and got to our hotel. It is a modern hotel and our room has been rated as the BEST of our trip. Well we should say our rooms as we have a huge bedroom and a separate living area. And a bathroom of normal (for an Australian) proportions - unlike some where we could basically touch the shower, toilet and basin all with one small movement of an arm! We have a lounge, 2 other relaxing chairs and even a desk. Perhaps most disconcerting is that we have 2 televisions operated by the one remote control but they can be doing different things at the same time and they have a habit of turning themselves on!
The only downside is that it is very very noisy. As well as a train station nearby there is a mall with buskers who have amplifiers. Even the double glazed windows do not block that sound out.
Berlin exploring today by foot, bus and boat.
A walkway connecting physically and symbolically the East and the West. We saw a model being photographed in a skimpy dress on this walkway with attendants nearby with a blanket to keep her warm between shots.
In most of the countries we have seen shipping containers used as permanent buildings - sometimes as a single unit but most often in multi storey blocks,
The remaining section of the wall is well frequented by tourists, souvenir seekers and others leaving their mark in some way or other. Close up it is a forbidding structure and surprisingly tall. How anyone managed to climb it and get over successfully is hard to imagine.
Every city has to have a statue of a man on a horse!
Queen Charlotte even got a gate of her own as well as a Palace!
Some locals hanging out on a wall!
The remains of a bombed church from WWII - unfortunately the new structures either side were covered in scaffolding so the contrast between the old and new was not apparent.
At Checkpoint Charlie some enterprising young guys were charging for photos
And other than us there was another VIP in town - we haven't found out yet who warranted the multi police escort including outriders front and back, support vehicles and many black police cars with blue lights - but they stopped the traffic.
Posted by JHarman 22:52 Archived in Germany Comments (0)